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Goal: $50,000
$50,872 Total Raised
101% Complete

THANK YOU! WE DID IT! We raised $50,872 for Chabad Jewish Center of Monroeville! Thank you to our generous matchers for making this a possibility, and a HUGE thank you goes to YOU for seizing the opportunity to do good.

Shunfenthal Family

In Loving Memory of Ben and Sylvia


In Loving Memory of Binah Ruth Bat Avraham


This campaign is over.
You can still contribute to this campaign.

For 36 HOURS ONLY (Monday December 7, 9:00am until Tuesday, December 8th, 9:00pm), every dollar you give will be matched by our generous matcher's to help us reach our goal of $50,000!  (You can also "pre-donate" to be included in the matching funds). Every dollar you donate is Doubled! That means that for every dollar that you give, Chabad of Monroeville will receive $2!

This year has been a challenging one for us all, but that has not stopped us from adapting and reimagining what it means to be there for our community. And while we hope and pray that this situation does not last for much longer, we are extremely proud of the way we pivoted and succeeded in bringing Judaism to our community.
Together, we have continued to be there for all in our community. Together, we provide for seniors and the home-bound with our network of shopping volunteers. Together, we provide a meaningful Jewish experience with in-home/virtual classes, programs, and events. Together, we prepare and distribute event kits and delicious Shabbat and holiday packages for all.

I want to tell you about Marcy. After all our Shabbat packages were picked up and delivered, there was one remaining package which was unaccounted for. A volunteer suggested bringing it to Marcy, whom we had not heard from in a while. Just a few minutes after it was delivered, we received a message from Marcy! “I just walked in from the hospital with some disturbing news, and I was feeling down” she said. “Seeing the Shabbat package at the door uplifted my spirits and made me feel loved and cared for.”

Friends, YOU brought the love and care to Marcy and to so many others. Together we are committed to continue to be there for one another and provide for the needs of our community.

Can Marcy and others count on your support as Chabad embarks on our annual End-of-Year Campaign? 

Today your $1 can turn into $2

$100 = $200

$250 = $500

$1000 = $2000

Support Jewish Life and Learning in Monroeville! We can do this!


Your donation is tax deductible. Chabad Jewish Center of Monroeville is a non-profit 501(c)3 organization. Tax-ID # 27-0540008

You can also contribute via:
PayPal - [email protected]
or call us at 412-372-1000


Thank you to Our Donors

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Please mail a check to Chabad of Monroeville 2715 Mosside Blvd. Monroeville, PA 15146

Thank You!

You'll get an email confirmation in a moment. In the meantime, why not give your friends the chance to give?

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